
Prevention of injuries or inflammation of muscles and joints is essential for every footballer to participate in training sessions and competitions. Our sports supports and compression garments meet high standards of quality, functionality and comfort for both amateur and professional footballers. Our product selection for soccer protects especially your feet, knees and thighs. Our shorts with special padding are especially suitable for goalkeepers. Additional information below.


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23 products

A black knee sleeve with a white Rehband logo at the topRX Knee Sleeve 3mm
Sale priceFrom $29.99
3 rolls of white power wrap with black Rehband lettering and logoRX Athletic Power-Wrap
Sale priceFrom $14.99
A black compressions shortsQD Compression Shorts
Sale price$29.99
two white compression socks for running with black rehband logoQD Compression Socks
Sale price$29.99
A black knee sleeve with a white Rehband logo at the top for kidsRX Knee Sleeve 5mm Junior
Sale priceFrom $24.99
A black ankle sleeve with two adjusters at the topQD Ankle Support 5mm
Sale priceFrom $34.99
A black ankle sleeveQD Ankle Support 3mm
Sale priceFrom $21.99
A black thermal shorts with a white Rehband lettering at the sideQD Thermal Shorts 1.5mm
Sale price$59.99
A black knee support with a white Rehband lettering, two adjusters and a patella openingUD Stable Knee Support
Sale priceFrom $69.99
A black knee strap with a white Rehband letteringUD Knee Strap
Sale priceFrom $21.99
A black knee sleeve with a patella opening in the center and a white Rehband lettering at the topUD Knee Sleeve Patella Opening
Sale priceFrom $39.99
A black knee sleeve for kids with a patella opening in the center and a white Rehband lettering at the topUD Knee Sleeve Patella Open Junior
Sale priceFrom $24.99
QD Compression Calf SleevesQD Compression Calf Sleeves
Sale price$29.99
A package of beige kinesiology tape RX Kinesiology Tape
Sale priceFrom $9.99
Colour +2
A blue and light blue knee sleeve with a white Rehband lettering and logo on the topQD Knee Sleeve
Sale priceFrom $24.99
6 blue rolls of cohesive tapeRX Athletic Cohesive Tape
Sale price$9.99
A black thigh sleeve with a white Rehband lettering on the side and an adjusterQD Thigh Support 5mm
Sale priceFrom $34.99
6 rolls of white sports tape with black Rehband lettering and logoRX Athletic Sports Tape
Sale price$29.99
A black shin & calf sleeve with a white Rehband lettering on the side and a fastener on the topQD Adjustable Shin & Calf Support
Sale priceFrom $49.99
A grey laced up ankle support with an adjuster and a Rehband patchUD Lace-up Ankle Support
Sale priceFrom $44.99
Two black achilles/calf sleeves with a whtite Rehband lettering at the backUD Achilles Support 1.5mm
Sale price$49.99
A black knee strap for kids with a white Rehband letteringUD Knee Strap Junior
Sale priceFrom $19.99
A roll of light blue underwrap tapeRX Athletic Underwrap
Sale priceFrom $7.99

Braces, Support Sleeves & Clothing for Soccer:

Often, injuries to the player's ligament and joint structures occur during training or games. Muscular problems are also a very common phenomenon in soccer.

What injuries are common in soccer?

The ankle and knee joints are probably the most affected by injuries in this ball sport. Ankle supports, ankle bandages or corresponding orthoses should be used for prevention and support in case of and after injuries in the ankle area. These bandages protect the ankle joint, stabilize it at the same time and have a compressive effect on the injured area. This prevents the formation of effusions and long-lasting injuries. The stabilization of the joint by the brace also gives a significantly increased feeling of security in the joint, which often leads to avoiding a protective posture. In times of increasingly dynamic soccer, knee joints need special protection, e.g. with a knee brace. A wide range of soccer knee injuries can be found, from effusion formation due to overloading, ligament injuries and ligament tears (e.g. cruciate ligament rupture, cartilage injuries and meniscus damage).

Especially in cases of overuse, bandages should be used in addition to therapeutic approaches. These warm the knee joint and provide targeted compression to reduce joint effusion. In the case of other injuries, it is often advisable not to use pure sports bandages but rather to use knee orthoses. The difference here lies in the degree of stabilization of the joint. Orthoses are equipped with joint constructions that stabilize the affected knee significantly more, especially in playing and training situations, and protect it from overextension.